Coronavirus – daily cases reaching 2L/day

For those who love technical analysis of markets…. looks similar? #COVID19 cases are increasing day by day. Are the cases reaching double top, or (my view) the momentum is huge to take it to around 2L / day.. #CoronavirusIndia #CoronavirusPandemic #MarketsUpdate

नवोदय प्रार्थना

नवोदय प्रार्थना

हम नवयुग की नई भारती, नई आरती!
हम स्वराज्य की रिचा नवल, भारत की नवलय हों
नव सूर्योदय, नव चंद्रोदय, हमी नवोदय हों!!

रंग जाति पद भेद रहित, हम सब का एक भगवान हो
संतान हैं धरती माँ की हम, धरती पूजा स्थान हो!
पूजा के खिल रहे कमल दल, हम भव जल में हो
सर्वोदय के नव बसंत के, हमी नवोदय हो!!

मानव हैं हम हलचल हम, प्रकृति के पावन वेश में
खिलें फलें हम में संस्कृति इस, अपने भारत देश की!
हम हिमगिरि हम नदियाँ हम, सागर की लहरें हो
जीवन की मंगलमाटी के, हमी नवोदय हो!!

हरी दूधिया क्रांति शांति के, श्रम के वंदनवार हो
भागीरथ हम धरती माँ के, सूरम पहरेदार हो!
सत शिव सुन्दर की पहचान, बनाए जग में हम
अंतरिक्ष के यान ग्यान के, हमी नवोदय हो!!

हम नवयुग की नई भारती, नई आरती
हम स्वराज्य की रिचा नवल, भारत की नवलय हों!
नव सूर्योदय, नव चंद्रोदय, हमी नवोदय हों
हमी नवोदय हो, हमी नवोदय हो, हमी नवोदय हो!!

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You Can’t Quit IIT to Reappear in Entrance Test now: Court

In a most recent decision by Delhi High Court, Justice Hima Kohli has upheld the decision of IIT authorities that students who leave a course after confirming their admission would not be allowed to appear in the next joint entrance examination (JEE).

The main reason given by the justice in this case is the financial strain that comes to the institute, as a result of such moves by students.

So what it means that a IIT JEE aspirant WILL NOT be given a next chance to improve his rank, department, change institute or any of such movements, if makes a MISTAKE of taking an admission to particular IIT, particular course?

Why is this partiality to IIT JEE over other exams and positions like UPSC IAS exam. As per the current policy, a candidate who qualifies UPSC and gets a lower rank, can join his services and retake the exam next year – to improve his/her rank and rejoin the services. For example a person getting IRS, can join his/her services, can retake the exam next year and if he/she secures IPS/IAS, he/she can join next year as IPS/IAS. Is the cost associated less here? I believe that the government spends a ton of money in each candidate for the first year and the government has to spend that money again!!! Is the opportunity cost loss to other candidates is any less here? Please note that here we talking of 1 out of 500 (or so) cases against 1 out of 5000 (or so) cases.

I believe that this is just an over valuation of IIT JEE, over hyped situation of IIT JEE.

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Digital Detectors for industrial applications (by Nityanand Gopalika)

X-Ray Spectrum Validation – NDE 2003 (by Nityanand Gopalika)